Upcoming Events

Online Mom's Connect

We believe in making community possible, and we want you to be a part of that community! Every Thursday at 7pm eastern time we are meeting online with moms like you! This is an informal group made up of moms from all over the US who are impacted by disability that want a place to connect. Even if you can only join in once, come connect once!

Founder, Jen Butler, and Treasure Coast Director, Kristal Justice are facilitating a discussion driven conversation using the questions at the end of each chapter of Life with Micah by Joe and Jen Butler. Even if you don't have the book or have not read it yet, we still want you to join in! If you want it, but don't have it yet, click the title of the book above to order it today!

We cannot wait to hang out soon! If you have any questions, email info@abilitytree.org.